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                                              POSITION PAPER

Committee: World Health Assembly

Topic: The Countermeasure of Malaria 

Country: Japan

Malaria is an acute febrile illness; symptoms appear seven days or more. It is caused by parasite. So without the high-tech approaches regarding it, this illness is hard for common people to resist. On the other hand, it will cause large quantities of issues regarding health. So the main vectors are in Africa. For malaria, WHA have to pay attention to Africa, especially the young children there. Nowadays, contamination is more serious and more serious. The transmission is easier and easier for malaria to cross. Plenty of great people they tend to help Africa but eventually be one of the ghost there. It shows now Africa need help, the whole world need help.

Japan, an Asia country, sometime is really far away from malaria. For the peace, for the moral code, for the health, Japan will do the utmost to help WHA solve the issues regarding malaria. Japan tend to let more exports research the medicine of malaria, also Japan can provide enough money for a non-government  organization, can provide more ITNs for Africa countries.

So the delegate of Japan affirm that Japan doesn’t need help from WHA, at the same time, Japan is willing to help WHA solve the issues highly and firmly.

For the malaria, the delegate of Japan gives the following suggestion.

1)Asks people to get early diagnosis and treatment of malaria to reduce disease and prevents deaths

2)Follow the suggestion from WHA, to do the routine monitoring of antimalaria drug resistance.

3)Controls vectors. Maybe just carry them to another different place to ensure others’ health. But which place should they go to need to be discussed in the conference.

4)Invites enough experts to gather in one place and do the research or experimental for new effective antimalaria drug.

5)Supports ITNs and also to help other countries get ITNs.

6)Suggests establish a non government organization to help people in Africa without any paying.

May in the conference, every issue will be solved, every child and every common person can avoid the illness regarding malaria. May in the world, people can have a better life.

                                                   The End



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